October 16, 2008

lack of whack...

This week, sad to report, has been alarmingly whack free.  Nothing weird or unusual happened.  The only thing that remotely qualified was the drastic plunge of gas prices from $3.19 to $2.96 in less that 24 hours (I know, I almost had a heart attack!)

But I can report that the 90's Trivial Pursuit game has shown us (us being Scott, Shelly, Steve and Betsy, along with myself) that the 90's was a rather trivial decade.  But I did answer the first question for our team without a moment hesitation.  The question was something like (I don't have a direct quote here!): "What TV character travels around in a telephone booth that is much larger inside than it appears on the outside?"  

Oh yeah.  I knew it.

Miss Pottenger would have been proud.

So, keep your eyes open and watching for wacky--I need your help to find it!


Fire-N-Ice said...

No way! Are you a Doctor Who fan???

Sara said...

If I had more time, I would be a die-hard fan. As it is, I am attempting to watch season one with a friend--but when Dara gets back, I'm sure we'll have a marathon!

MangyCat said...

Seeing the gas prices drop below $3.00 was definitely a weird and wacky occurrence. I about slammed on the brakes when I saw it at $2.99 today.

Fire-N-Ice said...

My best friend and I have marathon's all the time! I was just recently introduced to it.