I tend to hedge my bets. I try not to put all my eggs in one basket. Bank the fire, backup my files, have a plan B, it's just how I do things.
And I have a feeling that this tendency of mine is exactly what God is chipping away at these days.
And do you know how frightening it is to not have a backup plan? How it feels to put those fragile little eggs in one basket, one that looks like it's sitting in the middle of the freeway?
It's like mailing off your only copy of a manuscript. It's just not something you would do if you were smart.
But God doesn't always ask us to be smart. In fact, He tells us not to lean on our own understanding.
I'm trying...
It's so hard when God tries to change something that we are comfortable and safe with, isn't it? And of course, in our heads, we know He's doing what's best for us and that the outcome would be better if we submitted to His changing us, but it's so difficult to put into practice.
I don't mind the change so much, I just mind the "no safety net to catch me when I fall"--I've had too many dissapointments in the past that have taught me to always have a backup--so the thought of trying to move ahead without one is like showing up somewhere and realizing you've forgotten your pants :P
Whoa baby, no safety net. NO wait He is the saftey net.
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