March 21, 2007

walk in the park...

I took a walk today, down to Panera. I don't have a car and I'm tired of being stuck in the house. As my brother pointed out, it is not that far down to Panera. So this afternoon I packed up my 'puter and headed out of the house. Now, the walk down is just that, down. It isn't far, and I enjoyed the walk. I even treated myself to some yummy baked potato soup and a chicken salad sandwich. I wrote for an hour and then packed up around 6 as the skies were overcast and I wasn't sure how long it would take me to get home.

Now, if you remember, the walk to Panera is down. That means that the walk home is up. Sometimes it really stinks to live at the top of a hill. So I had to think about all the possible routes home and figure out which one is the least steep. Granted, I have to go up the same amount, but some ways have more steep parts than others. I choose to walk to N. Carefree first (rather than S. Carefree, which was right there) and then head up. It took a bit longer as I had to cross all the store fronts, but it proved to be a non-taxing walk. My knees thank me.

Well, I've crossed the 50,000 word mark on my current novel. I think this is the longest work I've done to date. I usually stop shortly after this mark and I'm now at over 52,000! I think it will be another 20,000 or so to finish it up, we'll see.

Did I ever tell you about my resolution for this year? No. Shame on me. Well, let me tell you now. I'm planning on reading at least 75 books. New books, old books, long books and short books. So far, I've read just over 20. I've discovered new books and enjoyed some old favorites. I have to pick up the pace, though, as I'm falling a bit behind. Maybe in a little while I'll post my list so far.

Well, it's late and I need to prep this room for painting. Go, leave a comment (come on, a complete stranger left me a comment, so those who know me should be able to write something!) and have a great day.


MangyCat said...

Okay, okay, you twisted my arm. Here's a comment! Wow, you walked to Panera? Sure, it isn't far, but you have to cross *shudder* Powers Blvd...and on foot! Scary. Hey, if you ever need a ride, let me know. I'm right down the street. ;o)

One Time With Aimee said...

I've read some books too! I got through three, no FOUR last night. Well, by books I mean chapters, and by three or four, I mean two...